Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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WEATHER FORECAST Increasing ctoudinse today: Friday ram or moo colder 21300 WANT ADS I Twelve Month la Th DisJLV TIMES And they Brought Rasulta VoLvra WICHITA FALLS TEXAS THURSDAY JANUARY 21 1915 Number 217 9 i SUM Eli HE RffORTEB Bl SUITE ADVERSE REPORT ON ASOLITION OP DEATH PENALTY IN TEXAS iniCE UW AMEKDMENTS Plill REPORT PUBUC GEHEHAL HlfiilK OPPOSED BtUEVEO TO Hi 10 MEI ill Would Make Poaaiblo Return lg Corporation Which Loft SUt In 107 AsmJ pnpaa Austin Tex Juu Beualur Wiley's bill cllmlnaUnft th death penalty waa reported adversely thir morning by Senate Judiciary commit' tea Na 3 but will bo brought out by favorablo minority report Thlo committee reported fbvarable on the Clark bill which prwvldea addltlona' pay for dlatrlct attorneys Th Con ner bill exempting Confederate sol diem from tho antl-peae law wae reported favorably Senator Weatbrook'a Mil which would render null and void nil com man law marrlagea received a favor able report aa did also bla bill ro vldlng that no Interest contra rts shall exceed ten per cent Senator Gibeoa Is expected to In traduce this site mono bin MU amend 1 lag the Robertson Insurance law ac aa to provide for a graduated tax on life Inaurxnce companies This bll' eliminates tho bark penalties charged to tho 31 big life Insurance companier which left tho State whPn the Rqbert-ana Insurance law waa pawed BIS DM FIVE TIMES AS MUCH WHEAT DKCf MSER 114 AS IN 113 IN i senate meets this afternoon TO CONriRM APPOINT- MIINTS OFFICER FACES CHARGE OF MURDER ET HOUSTON Women la Alleged Dsfsad- ant Faund dn Street -Wittf WoumT In Flour Export increase SS Per Cent Large Cains In Food-stuffs Shown Washington ian Five times ns much wheat and alx times na jnurh rent went exported from the In December as In tha samel month in 113 flour exports Increaa- ed atore than ier cent for the same period beef Increased more than twelve fold- and generally tbr eipnrts of (I stuffs' which Include practically aU the staide grains Increased live tlrare These Agiitv were disrhiaed today In preliminary atntement from te department commerce Issued in response to Inquiries im what food-rtuffa were going abroad with resulting abnormal prloea at home RECORD IS BROKEN Iff PIE OF WHEET It Delivery Reaches $1453-1 Par One-Eighth Over Former Record By Associated Press Chicago Jan War price for wheat today touched a new high leveh 3-S per bushel for May delivery These figures aunnuuuhid onweighth tha prevlotm record made January 13 Farmer National Guard Official Urges Ha Be Not House Meets at 1 By Amseletad Pres Houston Texas Jan Taking of testimony wan begun today In the trial at Jack KelletL charged with the murder of Mrs India Thompson last August -'Kellett for many years was a peace officer and at the time of the tragedy wae a democratic nomine ft ronitehl Two hours after the Hading of lira Thompson In dying condition from gunshot wounds in some ground adjoining A cemetery Kelkitt waa found wandering the elreeta with pistol wounds In bln heed end wee unable to talk It was not until several hours rooneetsd Tbe body of tlut dead woman waa first Mcnliflad by her hue baud wImk vblte standing near lb morgue beard ot body being there and stepped In only to discover it to be that of bla wlfu LECTURE HEBE TONIGHT Iff Ksrr of Sherman Will Speak at Chamber Commerce Rooms Mr Kerr a landscape gardner of note who comes hers from Sherman will address the people of WirMu Falls tonight at tha Chamber at Com metre rooms AU Irterested la beau tifyiug the city by the planting ol treat and shrubbery and who deem to learn bo wbest to lake care (he trees and shrnbbery after they an set out are extended an earnest In vitatioa to attend the lecture tonight and hear what Mr Kerr baa to aa on that subject He comes to thli city well recommended DACIA' CARGO INSURED BUT NOT HER HULt By Ameetated Pit Washington Jan No Inwuranif on tbe hull of the steamer Duels now at Onlveston Texas will be grantor by tbe federal war risk Insurance bureau but a policy will be issued oN ably today on her cargo of cotton A distinction between th cargo and huU of the Decti kw beeb found by the bureeeoa th ground that thf title on thn cotton Is absolutely vest ed In an American ctiixen and It Is hot classed as contraband ARRESTED CHARGED WITH SOUTHERN PACIFIC HOIDUP Two Yeung Man of Uvalde Are Take Into Custody For Recent Train Robbery "itssnsrii ii-cuu FhUUpe end Charlie Daniels twr young men of this city wee arrested yesterday charged with the holdup o' the Southern Pacific passenger trnir near here three weeks ago In whbb pa sen errs in the rear ranch were robbed They were tnkn to Nt Antonio today One of the pas eengera on the train gave Sheriff II Johnson nart of the eVWeoce which led to the arrest iy Aasariafsd Fan Auailu Texas Juu Thera was no session of either branrh of the Legislature tMi morning the lleuce meet lug it 2 end the Senate at 1:3 this afternoon The entire morning was given over In both bouses to ronsMcrnlion of Mils in committee The Senate at two thli afternoon went Into executive sioa to confirm tbe list of appulnteee by the new governor A communication wan received by each member at tbe Senate from Col Ferry Townsend oi Corsicana who recently retired from tho Texan National fiisrd In which ho protest against the confirmation of General Henry Mulchings as adjntant general AUSTRIAN COMMANDER REPORTS CONDITIONS GOOD BUfihal Arch Duke Frederick enuatn of Emperor Francla Joeeph end commander In chief of the Austrian army has Just retained from visit to hlx I roups II etetea that conditions arc excellent and soldiers Impatient to begin a further offensive campaign GREED'S CHEW ARRESTED Hil GUTIERREZ APPEALS' TO MEXICAN PEOPLE ISSUES MANIFESTO DENOUNCING CARRANZA VILLA ANO ZAPATA SEVERAL POSITIONS ARE INVOLVED IN BATTLES IN FRANCE Carranaa I Waging Offensive Campaign Against Paints Held By Villa Farces 3y AsssHslad PiessL Washington Jua Advice to (he eteto department sold Ueneral Gutierrex had left Fachurha In a northerly direction with "several thousand well armed and Issued manifesto denouncing Far ranxa Villa anJ Zapata aad calling on the Mexican nation to euppori him in an effort to eeUMIah peace From Vern' Clux General Carrs nie rontlaiMd to wage an offensive ram paiffH through General Obregun and Goninlea against Mexico City and other points controlled by Villa Conflicting reports have been received hr to the strength of tbe Gut terror movement but Jt le-beHeyed hard It bee at least Mini men tod alms at tbe elimination of Carrania Villa end Zapata ATTEMPT MADE UPON UFE OF H-1DIYE Of EOTPT Now Under Treatment Per Weund and May Not Lead Turkish Invasion 01 sue it GUTTED 8TJUMES T( Waggoner National Bank Buffer From Total Lose la Estimated at IVOOO i Associated Pies 1 Lll Vernon Texas Jan Fire today gutted Iho Waggonor Naikwul Hank hullillng and tnu Mamie building Th bank) fixture wv ileairdyid pud several office damaged Tlir lose Is abour 3u0ti 1 ERMAN FORCES II REAR Of LARGE RUSSIAN COLUMN Are Between Northern Army and Ruaso-Germana Ac cused of Treason If Associated Press Fetrograd Jau German forcer have appeared In the rear of tha Russian army advancing toward the Pfusafan frontier They are along the rood from Flonsk 40 mile north west at Warsaw to Gualltsa thus being between tbe advancing Russian at ray and tbe 101111 capital 8o for as la known only comparatively small bodies of Germans consisting of re-connultering detachments are In this tocalifr Tha Itourse Gaxette say a the Russian military authorities have rd that Russo-Germane In this vicinity have given Information and other assistance to the Germans On this ar count the newspaper says Grand Duke Nicholas the Russian commander In chief has ordered that all Russo-German residrula in the district tween Warsaw amt the Russian front dispose of thel property In six days preparatory to bring i moved to the1 Interior of the country BRIEF DISPATCH ANNOUNCING RELEASE LATER IS RECEIVED TODAY WASHINGTON AWAITS ANSWER No Explanatioa 1 Vet Coming From -i Great Britain AaTe Detention I of Beat By Amarteteg Press Washington While the American government today awaited Great Rrlisln'd explanation of the aeia-ure of American steamer Green-frier It developed that American sailors of her crew aa well aa Ihnee of tha steamer Carolyn bed beea ar rested by German autborltlea at Bremen In brief dispatch Informing the stale department that the nallora hod been released from detention and were now free to Join their nhlpe when they sailed tha American consul gave the first Intimation that the sailors had been arretted and added no details Officials hero rould only suppose that the men might have been arrested for misconduct ashore or possibly demined until the departure of their ship to suppress any military information they might gain FIGHT IS RENEWED TODAY ON SHIP PURCHASE BE Vosges Contest la Being Waged Northwest at Bonn halm Boys Official Berlin Report Merlin Jnn The official state-meet of the war office today reads: "In the western theatre of tho war only artillery duels look place yesterday between the sen and th I -ye Trenrhee at Notre Dam do Iswette which we occupied on th day before yesterday were lost again today Northeast of Arrer the French repeatedly attsrbthl both aides of tbe road from Arras to IJHe but were repulsed "Southeast of Derry-au-Rae we look two trenches from the French and kept them notwithstanding flerre counter-attack French at tScka on our piuitloni south of MlhM were repulsed "Northwest of Punt-a-Mouseon wr succeeded In recapturing the post tloua wo evacuated three dare ago In that vk-lnlty our troupe captured four cannon and several prisoner Fighting Mill continues for the remainder of the hist trenches In the tosgea northwest nf Bean helm battles mill proceed Tbe alt nation In Hast 11111010 remains the ne Aa unimportant engagement to the east of latlinow ended favorably for ns JiNl prisoner remained In our hands" By Associated ftw'4 Geneva Switzerland Jan? II (mid tlgbUBx-Khodfve Alihan Hllml Egypt according stn Vlenae-j dip patches la going To' Barns Bwttxer land to consult a niwclnllat regarding a bullet wound In the Jaw sustained It ta said in a recent attempt on nlr life at Constantinople The dispatch says th wound hat not healed and that thin makea It impossible for him to heed the army with which It planned to Invade Egypt at lla prw ent time Another Zeppelin after three daps of trial left Fried rich-shaven Wednesday afternoon In northwesterly direrttoa to reluforcr the nlr fleet near Ghent OKLAHOMA EDITORS TO BE TAKEN ON TOUR By A sandaled Pises 1 Gutbriu okhLJan fmeal committees are roiuplmlug plami for the meeting here early la May of I he Oklahoma State Frese Association After tha program In thin city It planned to take the editors ea trip over the camera pert at th Mate Op SUNDAY BASEBALL BE IS GIVEN ADVERSE NEW House Co mmitteo Take Unfavorable Minority Report to Be Made if A rendered Press Austin Texas Jan The House committee on criminal Jurisprudence hill thin morning reported adversely on he Sunday baseball MIL Representative Nabors gave notice of favorable nlnority report Democrats To Caucus Tonight Senator Weeko ernes Hia Bpsech i By Assedatei Press Washlugioo Jan Senate Republicans continued their light today the administration ship purchase bill Senator Weeks denying that he sought to filibuster resumed hie at trrk Democratic leaders meanwhile sought to reach an agreement on proved amendments that their caucus may complete the revision of tho MU tonight "We want to get the facts before the country and we are taking the only way left to nn to accomplish this" nald Senator Weeks MINT DEAD STILL UNBII3IED ON MED NT IAC0 I0HTING AT MANY RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE NOW POME LI BEGINNING TO ASSERT ITSELF flTILLERY RfllK Three Armies Trying To Advance In East Roumanian Troops May Enter Soon HE on 01 ALLIES II WEST $140 PER BUSHEL IS PAID FOR WHEAT HERE ft Wheat prices were ailvane- ft ed to $140 a bushel in the ft bieal market todar- the mark-ft et Jumping up ten rente this ft morning Rereral Mies were ft made al that Spurs Citisans Undertake Interment of Mere Than 100 Bodice For Bake ef Health By Associated Press Naco Aria Jan Burial of the dead atill lying on tha battlefield around Naco Honors will ha undertaken by the citltens here as a health measure More than Iff bodies have been found scattered between tbg trenches formerly held by the Mexican troops attacking tha Maxim town and tboaa holding tha Carranza 1 fender FIGHTINO ALONG RVER FOR DISTANCE Of ABOUT SO MILES i ET GERMANS OR DEFENSE Austrian New Raoartad Using 42 Centimeter Guns But With Lift tla Oucccss By Assselstsd Prere Perugrad Jan Along a mil front Clechanow to tha south Mlawa to Dobreyn on tha Vistula twelve miles from Flock tha German are on tha defensive against tha Russian advance toward East Prussia Heavy artillery engagements have occurred at various points along the line Meanwhile the struggle la In regies tor poMMulon of tha left bank of tha Vistula from Its Junction with tha Bxura at Wlatograd westward to Dobrxyn distance of approximately SB miles PoAsesstoa by tbe Russian of Wlxsgograd and a footing oa the left bank of the Bxura In that vicinity affords them a has far tbalr opera-tlon against tha Germans who era In force to the west of that position and effectively prevents a movement on Novo Gaorgiewak which has been the German objective In the advance toward Warsaw from tha north In endeavoring to retake reaches cap lured Mr the Russians Immediately west of WlxsKograd the Germans are reported to have lost POP man Southward from Tsrnow Galicia tho Austrians save employed for the first time the famous German 43-centimeter run ta an effort to dislodge tha Rnajtana from their post Hon along tha Danajak River According to reports received here they have- been unsuccessful ha flag beer forced to retreat to tha northwest leaving the Russian position Intact Russia oMeera are ef tha opinion that th heavy German guna are aa Impediment rather than aM to thr Austrians on account of tho bad roads and tho long dlaturea ftta necessary tranaport th guna Tin HE MIES WOULD GIVE PROCEEDS TO AID POOR HE TELLS INVESTIGATORS PROVIDE FOR COMraRT OF AGED Wealthy Manufacturer Advocates Reforms Before Industrial Relations Commlaalan By Associated Press New York Jan Taxation large fortunes upon tho death of ilielr owners to aid the poor tha establishment of government igearles to An-" work for the unemployed and provisions for the comfort of aged workers re advocated by Daniel Guggenheim prealdent of tha American Hotelling and Refining Company Ip testimony today liefon tha Inquiry of tha eommlsskm at Industrial Rein lions Into the greyt philanthropic foundations and the causes at Industrial unrest Mr Guggenheim mid that aa capitalist he favored them measurer In spite of the fact that they constituted nome at the cardinal Ideas of orlalism He also advocated "Industrial dp mocracy" wherein workers received a portion of tha profit derived from tha product of labor 1 SOUTH TEXAS TOWNS Corporation la Terminated But Judge Rules That Debts Hava Ta Be Paid Bp Asssristad Press Houston Texan Jan Th town ot Humblo which recently terminated He corporate existence must pay Itn debt Judge Reed who Into ymter-day named a receiver for It and la traced him to make a sufficient tax levy for tho purpose FARM PAPER PUBLISHERS BUY OKLAHOMA CITY TIMES By AreaHeHd Press Oklahoma City Jan The Oklahoma City Timet today won sold to John Field and Frank Northrup who are also publishers of a farmer periodical WILL SEEK AMENDMENT TO EMPLOYERS' MUTT Effort Will Ba Made to Moat Objaa- tiana af Higher Court ta Measure Dallas Texas Jan Th Texas Bmptoyern' Liability association announced here today that nn attempt will be made to amend tha employers' llaMlltj law declared nnconotltutionai yesterday The amendment will try to meet the court's objections French Trenches Said To Be Only a 16 Miles -German Reports Still Optimistic However By Associated Press London Jan threefold assault on the Germanic allies has in the opinion of Eng lish observers of war resumed its steam roller characteristics alike in the north the center and the south In the north the advance into East Prussia is reported as threatening the German lines of communication and in Poland the trench warfare continues with small results for either side but the Russians confidently dwell on what they call large German losses in efforts to hold present positions In' the South the Ilussiansdcclare that the Austrian resistance seems to have broken down entirely and that lies open to them Reports of Roumaida's long-awaited entrance into the fight continue to circulate' one rumor today has it however that Rnumania will not immediately declare war but that she will throw troops into Transylvania which Hungarian territory for the purpose of protecting Roumanian nationals 1 Meanwhile German official utterances continue optimistic The communications given out every day say the situation in the eastern theatre of war remains unchanged Certain semi-official summaries of events received in Ixmdon by wireless telegraphy from Berlin arc somewhat more communicative Such a message received recently said the Russians had some successes in which their losses were heavy and that the Turks have been operating successfully in the Caucasus and are now marching on Egypt Telegrams reaching here from Berlin record the arrival there of Archduke Charles Francis the Austrian crown prince and I)r Betham-IIoll-weg the German imperial chancellor who are to be joined shortly by Burian the new minister of foreign affairs presumably for a conference regarding a plan of campaign against Russia as well as the adoption of suitable measures gainst Russia as well as the adoption of suitable measures against the prospective entrance into the war of Italy and Roumania Recent dispatches from Sweden indicate that German airship attacks on the new Finnish railroad between Sweden and Russia are beginning to be expected This is the line that runs around the northern end of the Gulf of Bothnia Its destruction would be a serious blow to Russia as the only other routes of communication between Russia and her allies are by way of the Baltic Sea or through Archangel on the north The former route has been made impassable by mines and the latter is to be cut off by the ice In the western arena of the war the activity has been generally confined to artillery exchanges except to the south of Metz where sharp fighting promises interesting developments Fighting between Austrians and Montenegrins which has been almost at a standstill on account of the winter weather and heavy snows has resumed across the border from Catarro The Austnans bombarded Montenegrin positions it is said at Cettinje but no damage was inflicted The allies now have their eyes on the River Rhine and British troops may be sent to Belfort eastern France to take part in any possible advance toward the river says a Geneva report which lacks verification however It is stated that the advanced French trenches are within sixteen miles of the Rhine.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.