The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (2025)

The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (1)The year 1979 was a very significant moment for sisterhood at Spelman College as four of the six active sororities on campus were chartered that year.

According the spring 1979 issue of the Messenger, before that year, Greek organizations were not allowed since it was the general consensus that Spelman was in itself a sisterhood and that sororities would take away from this concept. In fact, sororities were voted down three times just 10 years ago.

The change in attitudes toward sororities came from the growth in student enrollment and the increase in the diversity of student interests. Encouraging academic excellence and leadership development and providing scholarships and community service, sororities have been a vital part of the Spelman community for more than three decades.

View a photo gallery of the sororities chartered at Spelman and learn more about them below:

Tau Beta Sigma – Iota Rho ChapterThe History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (2)

The “Irresistible” Iota Rho Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority Inc. was chartered at Spelman on April 30, 2010. We provide exceptional service to collegiate bands and promote equality and diversity, including empowering women in the band profession. We cultivate leadership, educational achievement, music appreciation, and community development. Eighteen members have been initiated into our chapter, and we have five honorary inductees. Currently with seven active members our chapter is represented in every Spelman instrument ensemble, including wind ensemble, concert band, jazz ensemble, and Atlanta University Center Orchestra. Some of the chapter’s community service projects have included participating in Hurricane Irene relief, Hosea Feed the Hungry, and music classes at local high schools.

Delta Sigma Theta – Eta Kappa Chapter

The Eta Kappa Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. was the culmination of a dream envisioned long before its charter wasThe History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (3) granted on April 11, 1970.The mission of Eta Kappa Chapter is the furthering of the sorority’s five-point programmatic thrust:economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, physical and mental health, and political awareness and involvement.Ten years after Eta Kappa was founded, members of the chapter successfully petitioned to bring Eta Kappa home exclusively to Spelman in 1979.Now, 17 dynamic sorors continue the legacy of a chapter that has initiated more than 900 visionary women into the national sisterhood of Delta Sigma Theta.It was a spirit fueled by tenacity, vision, and sisterhood that birthed Eta Kappa, and it is that same spirit that keeps the chapter alive and well today.

Alpha Kappa Alpha – Mu Pi Chapter

The “Sweet” Mu Pi chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. was chartered on Feb.­ 10, 1979, at Spelman College. The Mu Pi The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (4)chapter has initiated 1,080 members. There are currently 33 active members on campus. All members of Mu Pi are charged with committing their time and energy to the community. This responsibility is fulfilled through several ongoing projects including the Ivy Reading AKAdemy, It Takes a Village, Gifts of Giza, voter registration drives, and partnerships with Hands on Atlanta, and Habitat for Humanity. The chapter has become well-known for its dedication to raising funds for nonprofit organizations such as the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, AIDS Walk Atlanta, and Relay for Life. Mu Pi also strives to enhance the student life of Spelman College through numerous cultural and social programs. These initiatives include the AKA Book Club, AKA Flicks, AKAnomics, and AKA Fit Club, and the annual events Mr. AKA Scholarship Pageant, AKA Café, and the Limelight Fashion Show.

Sigma Gamma Rho – Epsilon Eta Chapter

The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (5)The Epsilon Eta Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho was chartered as a citywide chapter in Atlanta on March 10, 1974. With 11 charter members, on Jan. 2, 1979, Epsilon Eta became the first chapter of a sorority to be established at Spelman College. Epsilon Eta’s mission is to touch and improve people’s lives more completely through scholarship, sisterhood and service. The chapter’s purpose is to be a source of light for Spelman sisters and increase our presence on campus through community service and philanthropy, and our Exceptional Women Speaker Series, which seeks to uplift women.

The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (6)Zeta Phi Beta – Beta Iota Chapter

The “Beautiful” Beta Iota Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. was charted on Jan. 13, 1979, on the campus of Spelman College. Beta Iota upholds the principles of Zeta on a daily basis: scholarship, service, sisterly love, and finer womanhood. Since the revival of the chapter in 1993, there have been 59 initiates and currently there are five active and dedicated members. Although the chapter is small in number, Beta Iota continues to thrive as a progressive organization while producing quality women on Spelman’s campus. Beta Iota has achieved several accomplishments, including Spelman Student Organization of the Year, highest undergraduate GPA in the state and Southeastern region, and several community service awards.

Gamma Sigma Sigma – Eta Zeta Chapter

The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (7)Founded in 1952, the Gamma Sigma Sigma National Service Sorority Inc. initiates members who are dedicated to a lifelong commitment of service and diversity, as well as fostering an environment of unity and creating opportunities for growth. We are a unique organization on Spelman’s campus that serves as the only service sorority at the College. As an inclusive sorority our focus is creating strong bonds of friendship among students of all races and creeds. The Eta Zeta chapter was chartered on Jan. 16, 2008, by both Spelman College and Clark Atlanta University students. View a video of of the Eta Zeta chapter of Gamma Sigma Sigma.

Referenced Article From Spelman College

The History of Sororities at Spelman College | HBCU Buzz (2025)


What was the first sorority at Spelman College? ›

The Epsilon Eta Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho was chartered as a citywide chapter in Atlanta on March 10, 1974. On Jan. 2, 1979, Epsilon Eta became the first chapter of a sorority to be established at Spelman College.

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Sororities on Spelman's Campus

Sorority life is a fun and memorable part of the Spelman College experience. Our sororities are distinctive communities that support the academic mission of the college by enhancing student learning, scholarship and service.

Who is famous for starting the first African American sorority on a college campus? ›

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

(ΑΚΑ) is the first intercollegiate historically African American sorority. The sorority was founded on January 15, 1908, at the historically black Howard University in Washington, D.C., by a group of sixteen students led by Ethel Hedgemon Lyle.

What is the history of sororities in the United States? ›

Sororities, originally called women's fraternities, began to develop in 1851 with the formation of the Adelphean Society Alpha Delta Pi, though fraternity-like organizations for women didn't take their current form until the establishment of Pi Beta Phi in 1867 and Kappa Alpha Theta and Kappa Kappa Gamma in 1870.

What is the oldest Black sorority? ›

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, whose members are also known as the Ivies, is the oldest established Greek-letter organization for Black women. The organization started at Howard University on January 15, 1908. They aim to be of service to all mankind.

What was the first white sorority? ›

The first historically white sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, was founded in 1851. Most historically white sororities did not begin to openly accept Black members until the mid-1900s.

What is Spelman College best known for? ›

Spelman College's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Liberal Arts Colleges, #39. Its tuition and fees are $30,058. Founded in 1881 as the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary, Spelman College is the oldest historically Black college for women in America.

Is Spelman prestigious? ›

Spelman College is ranked #39 out of 211 National Liberal Arts Colleges. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What college has the highest Greek life? ›

Which colleges have the highest Greek life participation?
  1. Washington and Lee University: Approximately 75% of the students are involved in Greek life.
  2. DePauw University: Greek organizations include about 70% of the students.
  3. Wabash College: Roughly 65% of the male undergraduate population participates in Greek life.
Feb 2, 2024

What is the number one black sorority? ›

Membership. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is the largest African American Women's organization in the world and has a membership of over 350,000 college-educated women around the world. During the membership intake period, initiates are members of the Pyramid Club.

What are the four top black sororities? ›

There are four major sororities, all of which were established in early twentieth century, including Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority (Howard University, 1908), Delta Sigma Theta Sorority (Howard University, 1913), Zeta Phi Beta Sorority (Howard University, 1920), and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority (Butler University, 1922).

Why are Kappas called nupes? ›

The original name (Kappa Alpha Nu) is the source of the nickname for members, "Nupes".

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Chi Omega has 181 active collegiate chapters and approximately 240 alumnae chapters. Since its founding in 1895 at the University of Arkansas, the sorority has initiated over 355,000 members with more than 28,000 undergraduates added each year, making it the largest women's sorority organization by membership.

What is the oldest sorority in America? ›

Alpha Delta Pi holds the distinction of being the first secret society in the world for college women. Founded on May 15, 1851 at Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia, we were originally called The Adelphean Society, from the Greek word for sister.

Is America the only country with sororities? ›

Fraternities and sororities do exist outside of North America, most notably in the Philippines and in some European countries, but for the most part they are a decidedly American institution.

Who was first Delta or aka? ›

After a graduate member of the Alpha chapter gave the new members a deadline to stop the reorganization of Alpha Kappa Alpha, the twenty-two women split off from Alpha Kappa Alpha and created the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority on January 13, 1913.

What was the original sorority? ›

History of Sororities

Kappa Alpha Theta became the first organization established as a Greek-letter women's fraternity in 1870, and in 1882 Gamma Phi Beta was the first group to refer to themselves as a sorority.

Was Kappa Alpha Theta the first sorority? ›

It was the first Greek-letter fraternity established for women. The organization has 147 chapters at colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.

What was the first black sorority at Howard University? ›

Established on January 15, 1908, at Howard University, Alpha Kappa Alpha emerged as the first Greek-letter organization founded by Black college women.


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